About Information Technology Department

The decision to establish the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology at Northern Border University was approved by the Higher Education Council in 2007 because of the regional and national need for computing and information technology specialists. The Information Technology Department was established as one of the three departments of the College and is responsible for information technology programs. Enrollment in the department began in 2007-2008. Currently, the department has about 300 students and 15 faculty members from various disciplines. The department has one program and awards Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology Science. The department aims to qualify competitive cadres with basic knowledge of Information Technology. Specifically, computer networks, databases, human-computer interaction, and web software design. The Information Technology Department promotes research and multidisciplinary activities to give in-depth knowledge and understanding of information technology topics. It also facilitates practical training on the latest tools and technologies, understanding social and ethical issues related to information technology, and developing problem-solving and communication skills. With the assistance of the university, the department supports faculty members to attend professional development workshops and seminars.

Dr. Faheed A.F. Alrslani
Head of Information Technology Department

برامج الكلية

اسم البرنامجالمسارالكليةالقسمالموقعالدرجة العلميةالساعات الدراسيةالخطة الدراسية
Information Technology ProgramCollege of Computing and Information TechnologyInformation Technology DepartmentRafhaaBachelor Programs136

Program's Vision and Mission


Develop leadership and creativity with distinguished academic and technological education following international standards.


To produce competitive IT professionals having: sound understanding of core IT areas and an awareness of research directions related to these areas; hands on experience with latest IT development tools; strong communication, collaboration and problem solving skills; an awareness of social, ethical and legal issues related to the field of IT; and an urge to serve the community using their knowledge and skills.

Program's Goals

The graduates of the bachelor’s in Information Technology program are expected to,

  1. Have excelled in core information technology knowledge area of their choice.
  2. Apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems requiring IT based solutions using latest tools and techniques.
  3. Understand and respect professional, ethical and social values in the field of IT.
  4. Possess strong communication and problem solving skills and have the ability to work in teams.
  5. Be aware of research directions, modern innovations and entrepreneurship prospects related to IT areas.